Teacher Incentive Allotment

La Feria ISD is excited to begin the Teacher Incentive Allotment.  The vision of TIA is to support districts in building, expanding, and sustaining strategic compensation systems that are able to differentiate teacher effectiveness in all content and grade areas.  These systems will prioritize teacher learning and student outcomes; connect to campus and district best practices; incentivize teachers to stay; support more robust recruitment; and make the educator profession more desirable.

Helpful Resources
TEA TIA website

La Feria ISD Teacher Allotment Incentive

How TIA Benefits Texas Teachers

TEA Teacher Incentive Allotment Funding Map

TEA HB3 Details

National Board Certification


For more information or questions regarding Teacher Incentive Allotment, contact Ms. Kristy Jimenez, Director of Teaching and Learning, (956) 797-8500, [email protected].