Food Menus

Great news La Feria ISD families, our school district will continue to serve our students FREE meals for the 2024-2025 school year for ALL students!
The La Feria ISD will continue its policy to operate the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for the 2024-2025 school year at all campuses.
A breakfast and lunch will be served to all children at no charge regardless of income or family size. This approach reduces burdens for both families and school administrators and helps ensure that students receive nutritious meals.
Free Meals 24-25

PreK Head Start Jan.
Head Start Snack Menu January
Elementary Menu Jan.
Green Jan.
High School Jan.

Mobile Menus QR Code    Mobile Menus QR Code 2

For School Breakfast Resources please click HERE

For menus with nutritional information please click HERE

1. Type in "La Feria Independent School District" in the "Check District Menus" Box
2. You have the option to filter it by school (campus) and meal (breakfast, dinner, lunch, and snack)
3. To choose a specific menu, click the menu plan tab on the right side

Start your day with a healthy breakfast! Breakfast provides a number of benefits, so make it a priority. 

Higher Test Scores. Research has proven that children who eat breakfast have higher math and reading scores. Improved Attendance. Studies show that students who eat breakfast are absent and tardy less often. Fewer Trips to the School Nurse. When students eat breakfast, nurses report fewer hunger related office visits. Improved Classroom Behavior. Students are better able to pay attention in class when they have eaten. Principals confirm that they see fewer discipline problems when students have eaten breakfast. Better Learning. Students learn best when they have eaten a good breakfast. More Time on Learning. When students have eaten, they are better able to concentrate and behave in the classroom. This allows teachers to spend more time on teaching and less time on discipline.